My top 10 fun platonic date ideas
In both my world’s I am sweet, with a big appetite for fun times. How would you like to play with me?
I was hesitant to post this at first but…I like to share when my creative juices flow. Especially when I’m naked with nothing to do but be alone with my laptop and a non-existent wifi connection.
Here are my suggested creative date ideas to spend time with a romantic interest with spending little to a lot of money. If you are on a muthafuckin budget use Groupon.
1. Spa break, we can Relax, unwind and escape with our selection of spa breaks. There’s a perfect spa experience for everyone.
2. Dinner and Karaoke
4. Hookah bar my favourite has to be Zen Lounge in Purley
5. A concert book on ticketmaster
6. Cocktails and games
7. Comedy show
8. Strolling at a botanical garden – The scenery is always rich and beautiful, smells wonderful, normally free or small fee and this also gives you the perfect photo opportunity for content, lets be real who doesn’t like a posing or just flexing with beautiful flowers.
9. Jazz club – upstairs at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club
10. Puzzles and wine – who can finish first

These are just some date ideas and can be used by everyone with anyone!
Have fun! Be safe! Mwah