Cringe Worthy Moments – Today I Had to walk a client to the ATM, which was very cringe for me. I’m a shy whore.
Disclaimer- I’m not guilty of all of these but I’m guilty of – I am guilty of bleeding all over a client’s face and on a few beds – almost doxxing myself – falling for a client – and leaving a hotel because there’s a police car in the car park. A foot fetish that was just too wild for me – the guy who just wanted to talk/cuddle and spent the entire booking talking and then had to extend (yassss)
A friend had her money envelope set on fire by her yankee candles. Going to the bathroom to silence a fart into a hand towel then I ended up getting sick and throwing up mid date (bonus I didn’t put the client off) this guy did leave a Skid mark on my bedding. I have never had a hotel fire alarm go off in session.
And ………………. A few times I have had to ask a client to shower more than once.
Once I was contacted by someone I know IRL, I shut down my whole online persona in fear.
I don’t tend to call a client the wrong name. but when client gifts me something strange it shows on my face. I did have a client fall asleep during a date.
Head to my website, social media, blog, to see a little more of me! I highly recommend if you want to learn more.

Final thought ……………….. I enjoy clients that I can build a relationship/friendship with. My favourite gents continue to check in on me and I enjoy doing the same with them. Mwah