My Current Naked Thoughts

Welcome And Thank You.

Welcome to my first naked blogging moments.

I’m MsCurious and I’m a companion, I won’t judge you for you views but yes I receive money from clients for a portion of my very precious time.

Quick shout out to all my generous clients. Without you I wouldn’t have extra cash.

Without extra cash on hand, I tend to live in fear. Not sure about you but when I’m afraid, I make less wise, long-sighted decisions — worse decisions. Money in the bank is power. Money in the bank is control. Money in the bank from clients really turns me on.

I also have a civvie job which I love, and I am learning so much about sex work and social media so watch this space for more of my naked blogging moments I will try to add a final thought with every post.

Readers I do hope to keep you tuned and Potential clients I’m so looking forward to meeting you. To lock in our date I do require a deposit to secure our time together. But we can talk about this later down the line.

Final thoughts……. random but I can’t wait for summer it is coming and I’ll Make the most of it even if i am inside my house for all of it. ? I am also available for dirty talk (no limits) Click to Call Me

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